I’m Sarah and I have a chronic neurological condition.

Ugh, just writing that sounds like I’m sitting on a plastic chair in a circle in a community hall during a group session talking about my affliction. Actually, I’ve probably watched too many movies. I have no idea about group sessions.

If you’ve found your way here chances are migraine disease is also a constant headache for you too (yes I acknowledge the pun), or someone you know.

I’ve had migraine disease for most of my adult life; it runs in my family. Crappy genetics. Though those same genetics meant I didn’t get my first grey hair until age 39 so there must be some good things floating around in my DNA.

Although my migraine attacks have always been a burden, the frequency and intensity increased after I had my two boys at age 30 and 31. I turned 40 in 2020, and for about the past 6 or 7 years I can’t really remember a day I didn’t have a migraine in some form.

My migraine beast lives behind my right eye, squeezing my eyeball every day to let me know he’s there. Depending on his mood, he may get out his vice for added fun. Some days he has a bit of a laugh and hauls out his hammer and nails and parties around my eye and forehead and other days he retreats to his corner and sleeps for a little while.

But he’s always there. Just me and my beast, company of two (on the bright side I guess I’m never really alone).

I’ve tried the usual list of treatments – sumatriptan, amitriptyline, propranolol, candesartan, physiotherapy, naturopath, elimination diet, supplements, neurologist, acupuncture – the list goes on.

So I’ve decided to write a blog about living with migraine. Why now? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure.

I think it might be cathartic. That’s what I’ve read. I’ve been rubbish at telling friends about how debilitating my migraine attacks are and apparently sharing with others can help. I’ll let you know if it helps. I can add it to my treatment list.

I also want to spread the word about migraine and advocate for better understanding, support and access to more medications in New Zealand.

I’m also keen to spread a bit of migraine happiness to others looking for a bit of light relief from their own migraine beast. But not in a creepy kind of way. And it’s out of my comfort zone to offer inspirational quotes or spread love and light so you won’t find any of that here.

On good days I’ll share with you what I’ve learnt about managing migraine and maybe inform and inspire you to help you manage yours better. On a bad day it might just be a whole lot of rambling.

Oh, and I’m a Kiwi living in Auckland, New Zealand. Land of the sheep. I’m a freelance medical and health writer after jumping ship following 14 years as a registered nurse.

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